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3 Reasons Your AC Stopped Working Over the Winter

Admin • April 29, 2020
Thick Snow | Hampton, VA | Comfort Technology

Is your air conditioner stubbornly refusing to turn on after its long winter nap? Unfortunately, late spring or early summer is the time of the year when many homeowners discover that their AC system isn't quite ready to get back to work. This problem can be especially frustrating when the system was working just fine before being shut down for the cold season.

If your air conditioner doesn't seem to want to come out of hibernation, you should look into several potential causes. This article will provide you with three possible reasons for your warm weather troubles, along with a few actionable diagnostic tips to get to the bottom of your problem.

1. Simple Solutions

You should always rule out the most straightforward solutions first. Regarding your home's air conditioning system, three simple causes might be to blame:

  • A tripped breaker or a blown fuse
  • An emergency shutoff
  • A clogged filter

It's unlikely that you tripped a fuse or breaker while the air conditioner wasn't running, but always start here. If this solves your problem, be aware that you may still have a potential electrical fault. Don't hesitate to call in a professional if your AC system continually overloads its circuit.

A somewhat more likely possibility is a flipped emergency cutoff switch. If you had an annual maintenance check at the end last summer, then your technician may have flipped this switch by accident. Check both your outdoor unit and your air handler for cutoff switches.

Finally, give your filter a thorough examination. A clogged filter shouldn't stop your system from working entirely, but an especially dirty one may trigger your unit's overheat protection. If your air conditioner shares a filter with your furnace, then it may have clogged up over the winter. Replace any filter that appears too dirty.

2. Condenser Issues

Filter replacement is the maintenance task that gets the most attention, but your outdoor unit requires love and care, as well. Cold weather, snow, and ice all threaten your condenser during the winter months, creating the potential for serious issues. If the simple solutions above don't solve your problem, then you should start looking outside.

The most significant cause for concern over the winter comes from debris and ice. If debris clogs up your condenser coils, then the compressor may overheat and stop functioning. Likewise, debris near the condenser unit can prevent the airflow required to dry icy coils, leading to rust or other issues. Check around the housing for signs and trouble and consider removing the outer panels to examine the coils.

While you're outside, this is also an excellent time to check the operation of the condenser fan. The blades should usually be spinning while the system is operating, so it's a warning sign if you don't notice any movement. Try listening for the sound of the compressor engaging, too. Loud bangs or rattles may indicate a problem with the compressor motor.

3. Fan Failures

If your condenser seems to be operating, then the last thing to check is your air handler. You can find your air handler inside, usually in your basement or near your furnace. If your system's blower is particularly old, then it may have finally seized up over the winter. If you can't hear the blower motor and feel no air from your home's vents, then you probably have an air handler issue.

Note that the blowers in most home air condition systems are relatively quiet, so any unusual noises when the fan engages can point to trouble. Squealing can often indicate a worn belt, for example, while metallic screeching or grinding may be a sign of a dying fan motor.

You shouldn't have to live with a scorching hot house all summer long. If your AC system refuses to kick on after its winter break, Comfort Technology Heating & Air Conditioning can help. Give us a call to schedule your appointment today!

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